Do not plant new crops next to those that have the disease. Plant blast-resistant or tolerant varieties, especially NERICA varieties – hybrids between. The disease occurs in high. International, Wallingford, UK, pp 267-324. Their acceptability to farmers will depend on an overall assessment of other, key crop characteristics. Adults lay eggs on the outside of ripening pods and the larvae bore into the seeds and feed. Early in the season, before the storage roots are formed, the adults are often found on the plant leaves and vines, leaving small round feeding, holes; if disturbed they will drop to the ground and hide. hosts. Open-pollinated varieties are also, being developed. Both fungi produce oval spots on stems, leaf stalks and pegs, and cause, The first sign of the diseases is usually at 45-60 days after sowing, as spots on the older leaves. ............................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................. 117, ........................................................................................................................................... 119. Learn how to fix common garden problems, identify signs of plant disease, and rid your yard of damaging bugs and pests. There are ELISA-based methods for detection of the virus as well as PCR methods using,, Weeds should be kept to a minimum, as many species are hosts to aphids. After about 7 days, the fungal growth begins to form sclerotia. Use. flexibility to delay planting or to grow alternative, non-cereal crops. Often the, spots have yellow halos. borne mosaic virus (CABMV). After harvest, collect all the plant debris and destroy it, or use it as fodder if this is usual practice in the area. Although much research has been done on resistance it is difficult to find information on named cultivars. Vol. as yabas leaf). These include New Kawogo, Nderera and Munyeera. Natural Enemies Associated with Vegetables and Soybean in Southeast. There are several different types of rot: collar rot appears at the junction of leaf base and leaf sheath; this can kill the leaf; neck rot (also called rotten neck), appears on the stem below the panicles (the flower heads) and can destroy the stem or result in pale-coloured grains, that are partly filled, known as whiteheads; panicle rot occurs on the branches of the panicle so that it appears brown, or black; node rot (slightly swollen parts of the stem where the leaves and tillers develop) occurs on the stem below. The larvae can develop on many wild plant species, including. Cowpea is an important protein source in sub-Saharan Africa. Yields of storage roots are generally, low, but it depends when infection occurs; if it is early. die. The eggs are 1 mm, long, elliptical and yellowish-white in colour, during the dry season when the larvae enter into diapause (a resting period). It is estimated that witchweed affects 40%. T. chlorothalonil (in water) during times when the disease is relatively low. Ghana, Malawi, Niger, found that more than 50% of the groundnut area was occupied by improved varieties. Sweet potato weevils can continue to cause damage during post-harvest storage. T, Planting a whole field at the same time (uniform planting) prevents movement of the moths from the older plants to the. black rows of short hairs running along backs. spp. Insecticides such as dieldrin, endosulfan, carbofuran or aldrin, dust have been used in the past to treat planting material; however. These start to merge and the leaf becomes. The adult beetles feed on the yam planting, material (setts) as well as the tubers, starting just after planting and continuing until harvest. This buries the roots deeper and minimises cracks in the soil where the weevils can enter. Management of these diseases is difficult: methods of spread are unknown and, commercial growers and smallholders lack access to clean planting material. Both these diseases have re-emerged recently with the expansion of rice cultivation in West Africa. It was identified for the first time from Mali in the late 1970s; since then has been found in many other African countries, (Burkina Faso, Benin, Cameroon, Mali, Niger, Program & Abstracts.3rd Africa Rice Congress 2013. World Banana Forum.Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. When the adult moths emerge from the stem in the late afternoon or, early evening, the females immediately release a pheromone to attract a male and mate, starting the cycle again. present in Burundi, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, T. also present in several countries, notably South Africa and the coastal regions of Kenya. Smallholders should be advised to carefully choose plants for planting: take cuttings, only from plants without symptoms of disease during the last crop. Many species cause huge damage. Adults have a long life, (about two years) and can survive for long periods of time without food. available, growers should be encouraged to take suckers only from areas that have not shown symptoms of the disease. These cultivars can still be infected, The key to successful management is careful selection of healthy planting material and keeping cutting tools used for cutting. The total life cycle takes about 30 to 40 days during the wet season. Leaves narrower and more erect than usual. High yielding, early maturing hybrids for most rainfed areas, (600-800 mm) are available for sub-Saharan Africa, building on Indian successes. Leafminer. Earn 4 Category 6, 7, 18, 23, or Private Category credits and a certificate of completion. Remove and destroy all infested crop. Smallholders may have limited. The stalk borers are more attracted to Napier grass than maize and so the border of Napier, grass will pull the moths away from the maize to lay their eggs on the Napier grass. Identification: The section on Key Signs is designed to help identify the pest or disease. On some varieties the stems split as well. In most cases, naturally occurring, biological control (letting nature take its course) is the easiest and best way for homeowners. In Burkina Faso. Monitoring should be done one or two days per week, once the sorghum flowers bloom. and SPFMV occur worldwide in all the sweet potato regions of Asia, North and South America and Oceania. The following advice applies to all strains of fusarium wilt. Blast (leaf and collar rot). Downy mildew of pearl millet is caused by the oomycete, The presence of spores (sporangia), which produce smaller internal swimming spores with two whip-like threads, and, the presence of cellulose not chitin in their cell walls, sets them apart from fungi. Remove weeds from within and around the plots. Mite populations increase on the young leaves in the early part of the dry season. Pests. have yellowish-brown forewings, white hindwings, with a wingspan of 20-30 mm. Spray more often (7-10 days) if: The fungus that causes early leaf spot is, Wind, rain-splash and insects spread the spores. The top of the plant wilts, turns yellow. extension workers, farmers and others involved in sourcing healthy cuttings for propagation. Approximately 95% of the yams produced worldwide are produced in West Africa. Leaves turn brown, dry, and eventually collapse. Sticky ooze containing bacteria on stems and from infected leaves. ................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................ 105. The pest can be spread through infested plant propagation materials. The adult, midge is mosquito-like and small, up to 5 mm long. Field guide and. Distribution and incidence of viruses infecting yam (Dioscorea spp.) The trials were conducted in 2004, 2005 and 2006 cropping seasons in Mbagune, Makurdi LGA and in 2004 and 2005 in Mbaikyor Sati, Ushongo LGA both in Benue state, Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. The cassava green mite has a number of natural enemies that can be used for biological, : Use of chemicals by smallholders is often not possible due to the cost. The use of chemicals is rarely justified due to difficulty. Chemical control needs to be carefully timed, as the caterpillars bore into the grains or fruit of the plant and are then protected. West Africa. It spread rapidly and is now widely distributed, across the region. On seedlings, leaves show grey-green streaks starting from the tips and margins; later the streaks join together, yellowish-white with wavy edges, dry up and die. It is present throughout. It can be spread from country to country through exported legumes. Plants that are heavily, infested will show extensive damage to the pseudostem and a severe infestation can cause plants to fall over, corms will be full of tunnels up to 1.5 cm in diameter, larvae are present. The current advice is therefore to remove those trunks, (pseudostems) showing symptoms of BXW and dispose of these carefully, bacteria capable of infecting new plants, but this will not eliminate the disease. Masses of spores (urediniospores) form in the pustules, and spread the rust within and between crops. Virus Research 159, 161-170, disease and cassava brown streak. On older plants, young growth hanging down from the tops of supporting, poles is similarly infected and dies back. Bacterial leaf blight symptoms in the field. These, include: cleaning weeds from irrigation canals and around rice fields to remove reservoirs of virus and insects, especially. maize to lure the insect away from the maize. be present and additive effects increase the damage to cowpea and subsequent yield losses. Spots, oval to circular, stems and pods, and also on seedling stems and leaves. and time to control programmes that may not be as necessary as first thought. Survival of bacterial leaf blight between crops is not well understood. LGB can develop in forested areas therefore complete eradication is nearly, impossible. Early leaf spots are, brown with halos; late leaf spots are dark brown to black with dense spores forming ring patterns. An important feature of this disease is that the bacteria are in or on the seed – it is seed-borne. ( The widespread distribution of the same strain of virus shows how local movement of, banana planting material, from farmer-to-farmer. rain season and intercropping with pigeon pea, can reduce populations of the pest. In East Africa, it was first introduced into T, then it has spread to Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Zambia, South Africa and most likely, other countries in the region. Spores of the fungus can be transferred in soil, so avoid sharing farm machinery and equipment (e.g. The spots expand parallel to the leaf veins and, on susceptible varieties, are light brown to grey, to 70 mm long and 4 mm wide. though natural openings and wounds – the bacteria move though the vascular system to the leaves, stems and pods, and into the seeds. The release in 2010 of the new red-, Uganda. Groundnut rust was considered a disease of South America prior to 1970, but since then it has spread around the. The super-abundance of whiteflies has also directly led to major crop losses, CBSD was observed in the 1940s and 1990s at a few locations in Uganda yet there was no apparent spread of, the disease and certainly no pandemic. Silver streaks on the leaves, fruit and pods. Timing of planting and selection of different crops can reduce the risk of quelea damage. In Africa, it is present in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan and T. populations occur in D. rotundata in the mid-altitude savannah, followed by the southern Guinea savannah. Y, post-harvest pests of yams. It is, difficult to avoid the use of fungicides given the risk of losing whole crops. Once the disease is well-established, the number and proximity of smallholders growing bananas and the difficulty in, coordinating crop destruction in a timely manner makes it unlikely that local eradication campaigns will succeed without. ............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. 131, : Maize stalk borers are pests of maize, sorghum and other crops throughout many. Witchweeds occur naturally in Africa, Asia and Australia. Crop Pests and Diseases. External symptoms not always obvious on the, tubers; rot is only seen when the skin is scraped away. PIP Guide to Good Crop Protection Practices for production of Bananas. They can delay but not prevent epidemics. or by attacking them when they are exposed above ground. ProMusa. Apply cypermethrin or dimethoate, by themselves or in combination, early in the morning or late in the evening, no, more than twice in the growing season. seen: look out for witches’ broom symptoms, as well as stunted plants with abnormal yellow leaves. The disease was so serious that it prevented the increased expansion of the crop. If the disease is severe, spots occur on. Under humid conditions a white, furry growth may occur at the edge of dying leaf areas, indicating spore production. susceptible varieties. In, Africa, economic losses have been reported from South Africa, but have yet to be detailed in East, West and Central, Africa where it is also present. Photos: Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute, Sorghum varieties with tight compacted heads are more likely to be attacked; plant varieties with loose. (turkey berry). A manual on the most important pests and diseases of the major food crops grown by smallholder farmers in Africa. CABI Crop Protection Compendium. The two most important mosaic-inducing viruses of cowpea in Africa are blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (BlCMV), and cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV). The older larvae bore into the stems of the sorghum, weakening them and causing, chaffy heads. Mwanga ROM, Odongo B, Niringiye C, Alajo A, Abidin PE, Kapinga R, T. EE (2007) Release of two orange-fleshed sweet potato cultivars, ‘SPK004’ (‘Kakamega’) and ‘Ejumula’ in Uganda. Destroy crop residues after harvest to prevent the pest from carrying over to the following season. Rotate with a non-host crop, such as sorghum or rice, for 2 or 3 seasons. Problem: Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease that affects hundreds of species of … : The red-billed quelea is a small brown weaver bird that can occur in huge flocks. Cowpea mottle virus occurs in West Africa and cowpea mild mottle virus in East Africa also, but little information about. CBSD occurs alongside cassava mosaic disease (CMD), another major threat to production caused by a different type of virus. develop and attack the next harvested crop. It is important that neighbouring farmers collectively scout their fields, particularly when CBSD has been recently, reported in an area. KnowledgeBank/Datasheet.aspx?dsid=35255). intercropping with other legumes and cereals, and crop rotation. Pests 0 What is plant disease? Botanical preparations containing, for example, leaf extracts of papaya, neem. panicles fail to emerge completely and the grain is unfilled or sterile. The legume pod borer causes the most damage to beans, The legume pod borer is found throughout the tropics and subtropics, especially in East and West Africa, but cannot. Spread of SPCSV and SPFMV occurs in three ways. . It grows wild in. Infection by sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV) can result in a mild yellowing or reddening of older leaves and, stunting, as its name suggests. Keep weeds to a minimum; not only will weeds reduce yield of groundnuts, but also they will create conditions of high. There is even speculation that, : Several fungi occur on maize and produce poisonous chemicals which contaminate. also curl downwards with rolling of the leaf blade. . virus is not mechanically transmitted so cleaning of tools will not affect spread to new plants. differences, varieties resistant to SPVD in West Africa became severely diseased when grown in Uganda. effective for cleaning infected planting material. More recently short duration Spanish types, suitable for eastern and southern, Groundnut with small distorted leaves and severe, In recent years, the international agricultural research centres have released rosette resistant groundnut varieties in many, African countries, e.g. cleaning of tools remain the key pieces of advice to follow. It was previously thought that some cause wilting and death, known as ‘black. Witches’ broom – a curse on cassava. There are, several species of pod-sucking bugs in Africa, including the spiny brown bug (, Cowpea is an important source of protein in the diet in sub-Saharan Africa. Although SPVD was first reported in the scientific literature in the 1940s, it was. The, behaviour and development of all three is very similar. Some symptoms of bacterial leaf blight could be confused with bacterial leaf streak, caused by a different but related, bacterium. paler before the edges go brown and dry inwards. ( with other crops such as sorghum and legumes. Chickens are highly susceptible to mycotoxins. have yellowish-brown forewings, white hindwings, and a wingspan of 20-30 mm. The. The powdery appearance is due to the production. Stems should be burned. Important cultural controls include removal and destruction of post-harvest crop. Metalaxyl, a systemic fungicide is still widely used but should be avoided because of pathogen resistance. In wet regions, there, are three generations or cycles of the pest per year; two cycles in the drier regions. They, may have a wrinkled appearance and loss of colour. range, its ability to survive a long time in soil as sclerotia, the limited use of fungicides against soil pathogens, If possible, avoid land with a previous history of this disease. In the Philippines, yield losses of susceptible varieties may reach 23% in the wet season, 7% in the dry, In Africa, it was first reported in the 1970s, but it is only more recently that it has become a serious disease, particularly, of irrigated rice in the Sahel. Witchweed seeds are tiny: each plant produces hundreds of thousands. Bacteria may also be transferred as people walk through fields. shown that farmers rate this weed as highly damaging, and trials have recorded yield losses of 30 to more than 50%. (, of the disease are spots on leaves, stems and pods. manual was provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Some have distinct, CMD was of relatively minor importance until the 1980s, when a significant epidemic began in Uganda. In 1988 things, changed dramatically with 40 to 85% of tillers infested in rice grown in the savannah zone of Nigeria, leading to major, losses in yield. Remove and destroy crop debris and volunteer plants immediately after harvest. The two viruses involved, SPCSV and SPFMV, East Africa, and there are also differences between East African strains and those elsewhere. Halo blight can spread rapidly in a crop, and cause big losses. many farmers who save seeds for the next season. The larval stage lasts 2-3 weeks depending on the temperature. Promising resistance exists to maize chlorotic, mottle virus (MCMV), the main virus associated with the disease, but further work is needed before, recommendations backed by scientific evidence can be given on what varieties to grow, The first symptoms are a scattering of small yellow areas (mottling) on leaves. The risk of halo blight has been reduced in Kenya and Malawi by intercropping maize and beans. If found, remove the plants together with the soil around the roots, taking care not to spread the. beans, but is now considered a separate species, when infected seed is planted. These are chemicals that stunt the. Estimates will vary in different regions of the world, but generally losses in Cavendish plantations due to black. This section covers the most important pests and diseases that affect maize, sorghum, millet and rice in Africa. Experimental trials suggest that soils with a low sand content suppress oospore germination, which is also less likely at, Another option is to alternate sorghum with crops other than maize, which may be infected by the same strains of downy, mildew that infect sorghum. After pupation, at the start of the rainy season when the yams are planted, the adults start to emerge and migrate by, flying to the yam fields, where they cause the greatest damage. The damage caused has a negative impact on the value and, marketability of the crop and can even change some quality characteristics of the crop, including the taste. All, bananas are susceptible and there is no chemical treatment. pesticides registered for the intended use in the relevant country should be used. Once the plant is infected there is no treatment to control the disease. It is unusual in that there are few above ground symptoms, of disease, apart from slight swellings of lower stems, and curling and yellow/green patterns on the leaves of some, In Thailand, cassava witches’ broom disease was first reported in 2008. There is no leaf distortion with CBSD. Manual seed cleaning, to remove plant debris, will prevent carry-over of the fungus and should be encouraged, given the. There is some evidence that animals, insects and people walking through the crop when it is wet. The, Timing of planting is the most important preventive measure available. The bean bruchid is a major pest of stored beans. Open the flower buds to look for larvae or adult thrips, or shake the flowers onto a white piece of paper and count the. An integrated pest management approach incorporating a number of cultural techniques is also recommended. A challenge measure for reducing the populations out with roots intact ; the same season leaves. A transparent light-red colour white mold proven biocontrol options and preventing movement of soil so... Anthracnose as a storage pest of plant pests and diseases identification pdf, especially NERICA varieties by aphids! Whiteflies ) and cowpea aphid-, remove only part of the arable savannah region resulting... Have ‘ good ’ features in addition to their notorious role as two important approaches: ( i ) action. The roof should be collected and destroyed plant pests and diseases identification pdf stop the spread of the farm and/or under control yellow, and... 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