It is thus used not only of the putting on of clothing, but of the preparing and finishing of leather, the preparation of food for eating, the application of cleansing and healing substances or of bandages, &c., to a wound, the drawing up in a correct line of a body of troops, and, generally, adorning or decking out, as of a ship with flags. the Church or Communion of Brethren; and this is really the correct translation of their later term, Unitas fratrum. depress the syringe plunger to deliver the correct dose. Sentence 1a uses the three times; before 'boy', 'main', and 'town'. The Windows XP startup disk will automatically load the correct drivers to gain access to the CD.. . On the whole, it is probable that Lord Wilton's surmise is not far from correct. She purposely didn't think about what Xander was going to do when he realized the phone she gave him wasn't the correct one. Before a title or a class name to designate the particular holder of that title, or the particular member of that class that is most familiar to the speaker or writer by reason of the nation or culture of which he is a member: the President, the Congress, the Civil War, the west coast, the Renaissance. Claim settled at mediation. (i) A number can be correct to so many places of decimals. Even if we admit van Tieghem's interpretation of the integuments to be correct, the diagnostic mark of his unitegminous and bitegminous groups is simply that of the absence or presence of an indusium, not a character of great value elsewhere, and, as we know, the number of the ovular coats is inconstant within the same family. This will expand the image so that it will once again have the correct aspect ratio. In almost all climes the tortoise and the frog are among the precursors and heralds of this season, and birds fly with song and glancing plumage, and plants spring and bloom, and winds blow, to correct this slight oscillation of the poles and preserve the equilibrium of nature. But, as Wellhausen has shown, it is not correct to consider the contest as a reaction of the maula's (Persian Moslems) against the Arabic supremacy. To use "yet" in a sentence, put it at the end of a sentence to describe something that hasn't happened. Since we are discussing grammar, please note the “faux pas” below in the 2nd sentence. Excepting the embayment region, Missouri lies wholly within the Carolinian area of the Upper Austral life-zone; the There has been some controversy as to whether this condition is due to the elevation and corrosion of original flood-plain meanders after their development in a past base-level condition - which theory is probably correct - or to the natural, simultaneous lateral and vertical cut of an originally slightly sinuous stream, under such special conditions of stream declivity and horizontal bedstrata (conditions supposed by some to be peculiarly fulfilled in this region) as would be favourable to the requisite balance of bank cutting and channel incision. At Radcliffe no one reads the papers to me after they are written, and I have no opportunity to correct errors unless I finish before the time is up. Art has very real responsibilities, perhaps even to fight male chauvinism, ethnic prejudice, third-world exploitation, believe the politically correct. Let’s put that another way. If this last identification be correct it would show that in Messapian (just as in Venetic and Ligurian) the original velars were retained as gutturals and not converted into labials. Izaak Walton's Life of Donne, an admirably written but not entirely correct biography, preceded the Sermons of 1640. read and to pronounce an opinion upon it. 2 Some words use the same form for the singular and plural, like fish or sheep. The signals must therefore be sent at regular intervals, and to ensure this being done correctly a telephone or time-tapper is provided at each keyboard to warn the operator of the correct moment to depress his keys. The large proportion of mestizos, if these percentages are correct, is significant because it implies a persistence of type that may largely determine the character of Colombia's future population, unless the more slowly increasing white element can be reinforced by immigration. These assumptions are probably not nearly correct and, as the stresses caused by the cooling of the casting are unknown, it is necessary to choose a low working stress of about one ton per square inch. The first four correct answers drawn out of a hat at the start of May will win a signed book. Leibnitz has to supplement rather than correct Locke on this point. Proper nouns don't need a the. Use commas to separate words and word groups in a simple series of three or more items. This maximum rate depends upon the kind of coal used, whether small, friable, bituminous or hard, upon the thickness of the fire, and upon the correct design and setting of the blast-pipe. and groups (as of islands and mountains) that have a plural name, but a distinctive identity: Often used with names of literary or artistic works: the Paradise Lost, the Mona Lisa, the Moonlight Sonata. This sentence is correct because it uses \"I\" as the subject. If my reasoning elsewhere in this book is correct, we are moving toward a future where there will be nothing but healthy, well-developed, rich countries with modern infrastructure. ), who " put down the rhapsodists on account of the poems of Homer, because they are all about Argos and the Argives " (Hdt. It advised against such usage. So this sentence is also not an acceptable English sentence: To make a correct sentence, it has to be like one of the following: One of the rules about determiners is, that there can never be two of them preceding a single noun (phrase). Dock-side jib cranes for working general cargo are almost always made portable, in order to enable them to be placed in correct position in regard to the hatchways of the vessels which they serve. 18, where the correct reading appears to be - " The disciples of John, and the Pharisees, were fasting " (some customary fast). George had surgery when he was 2 days old to correct his diaphragmatic hernia. Ordered by the doctors to take a sea voyage, he obtained leave to go to Persia and correct his Persian New Testament, whence he wished to go to Arabia, and there compose an Arabic version. The mouth should have black lips with a complete set of teeth with the correct scissor bite. They are names for people, streets, books, movies, restaurants, countries, rivers, songs, etc. It's called a tag question — Wikipedia A question tag or tag question (also known as tail question) is a grammatical structure in which a declarative statement or an imperative is turned into a question by adding an interrogative fragment (the "tag"). alt ' key and press the correct access key. It is impossible from these sources to form a correct picture of Cambyses' character; but it seems certain that he was a wild despot and that he was led by drunkenness to many atrocious deeds. Small rocket boosters on each satellite keep them flying in the correct path. The white metal is then machined to the correct radius using the big borer. Learn a repertoire of well known children's songs as well as correct fingerings and playing techniques. inconsistencyd revisions take these into account, as well as seeking to eliminate the inconsistencies and correct the omissions mentioned above. Deidre went through another courtyard before the scents of breakfast drew her to the correct one. With figures of four or more digits, use commas. The discovery that the poet had printed secretly 1500 copies of The Patriot King caused him to publish a correct version in 1749, and stirred up a further altercation with Warburton, who defended his friend against Bolingbroke's bitter aspersions, the latter, whose conduct was generally reprehended, publishing a Familiar Epistle to the most Impudent Man Living. He's "supposed to" know who and where, but actually, he doesn't. The sentence has two major errors (which when spoken seems correct, but when written has a different meaning). Tradition, probably correct in its general estimate, represents him as a successful student of astronomy and geography, and as one of the pioneers of exact science among the Greeks. Owing to the great extent of Asia, it is not easy to obtain a correct conception of the actual form of its outline from ordinary maps, the distortions which accompany projections of great and misleading. Rowland Himself Considered His Results To Be Probably Correct To One Part In 500, And Supposed That The Greatest Uncertainty Lay In The Comparison Of The Scale Of His Mercury Thermometer With The Air Thermometer. io, state that it was read in public worship on the 10th day of the month Gorpiaeus, but this statement can hardly be correct. Liz Bureman has a more-than-healthy interest in proper grammatical structure, accurate spelling, and the underappreciated semicolon. If Herodotus's dates are correct, Cyaxares died shortly afterwards. 2c. are to be found at Benares, and the materials for a correct text of the Ramayan are thus available. This is strictly correct, but, with the exception of the first and last, these titles are seldom to be found in documents. A boy was walking down the main street of the town. It now seems probable that both are in a measure correct, and that the ultimate solution will be recognized to lie in a blending of two originally independent streams of tradition. It is usual to speak of "the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle"; it would be more correct to say that there are four Anglo-Saxon Chronicles. This sentence would be much more concise using ‘because’: ‘The picnic was cancelled because it was raining.’ If you are unsure whether ‘due to’ is correct in a sentence, use ‘because of’ instead, except in the following instances, when ‘due to’ is used in quite a different way: ‘She was due to … he likes super heroes” … A boy was walking down a main street of town. Guideand travel-books generally spell the name Sebastiyeh, which is not a correct rendering of the local pronunciation. gussets welded between the flange and wing to ensure the flange is at the correct angle. The famous Hirsch trial, and Voltaire's vanity and caprice, greatly lowered him in the esteem of the king, who, on his side, irritated his guest by often requiring him to correct bad verses, and by making him the object of rude banter. collocations of words we are teaching are the most frequent, up to date and correct. The map consisted of multiple overlapping fragments of DNA, arranged in the correct order. Correct sentence in your writings can cater well for the purpose, but obtaining this correctness is nowadays redefined through our online software grammar tool. Yes your mental arithmetic is correct we had a turnout of nineteen, a record for the Mountain Biking Section. Confusions between abstract and concrete terms are frequent; thus the word "relation," which is strictly an abstract term implying connexion between two things or persons, is often used instead of the correct term "relative" for people related to one another. In order to ensure the correct weight of the bag it is necessary to consider that when the cut-off slide acts, a certain quantity of sugar is in transitu and has not at that moment taken its place in the bag. That word is the, the most frequently used word in the English language. Of the deaths in any place the only check obtainable is from the public body-washers, but many corpses areburied without the aid of the public body-washers; and the population of the place not being accurately known, the number of deaths, however correct, is useless for statistical purposes. The first sentence should use either a conjunction 'but', or 'yet' or a subordinating conjunction 'although, even though, or though' to connect the sentence. They can never be used without some form of classifier or article in dialogue. The main difficulty is in the correct placing of the curtailed partial products. The CD will also include a gazetteer to help you find the correct map. These pads have a very slight cutting action that allows them to correct most defects without removing too much paint. correct at the date recorded on the document. They do not represent the opinions of No matter where the compass pointed, it led him to the correct body. Gunther open completely new ground, and seem to be the correct solution of the problem. Hence the Tubingen school did its chief work in putting the needful question, not in returning the correct answer. High quality boiler heat exchangers for correct espresso temperature. The correct sequence of moves to play is based on something called ' modular arithmetic ' . Which, if any, of these identifications is correct, it is impossible to say. nominally the beginning Df the rise of the Nile, was the beginning of the year, and as the ~ile commences to rise very regularly at about the date of the annual heliacal rising of the conspicuous dog-star Sothis (Sirius~ (which itself follows extremely closely the slow retrogression af the Julian year), the primitive astronomers found in the heliacal rising of Sothis as observed at Memphis (on July 9 Julian) a very correct and useful, starting-point for the seasonal year. But it is correct to say: He seems to have enjoyed his stay at the hill station. I have your book. How to use never in a sentence. The normal practice of the post office is to return documents if not delivered to the correct addressee. But I follow the rule that if I can take out a word, I try to. Any web design needs to look authoritative, convey the correct messages and download with optimum speed. (Whoever wrote the below article should go and learn correct English and then write it properly. The chronicler Thomas Walsingham, says that James's imprisonment began in 1406, while the future king himself places it in 1404; February 1406 is probably the correct date. Thus it is that any child may be taught to use correct English by not being allowed to read or hear any other kind. While getting him back to the house was a monumental achievement, we had no idea if the time or even the date was correct. Vera's remark was correct, as her remarks always were, but, like most of her observations, it made everyone feel uncomfortable, not only Sonya, Nicholas, and Natasha, but even the old countess, who--dreading this love affair which might hinder Nicholas from making a brilliant match-- blushed like a girl. It was well after 4:00 by the time he found the correct route leading toward home. CORRECT VERSION: In the plural, we can use “that” or “Who.” For example, INCORRECT VERSION: In the plural, we can use … And if these terms were intended to indicate so many degrees in the exercise of jurisdiction they would not be correct. If possible adjust your chair armrests to the correct height to support the weight of your arms. This latter question had not presented itself to the prophet's mind; his object was simply to correct the opinion of the people that their present misfortunes were due not to their own faults but to those of their predecessors. 5 Rules for Building a Grammatically Correct Sentence. Opening the door, she found her assumption correct. What was mistaken for it was fashioned in the heat of controversy by men whose interests were practical rather than scientific, who could not write correct English, and revealed in their reasoning the usual fallacies of the merely practical man' So the " old Political Economy " lies shattered. Modern equity, it need hardly be said, does not profess to soften the rigour of the law, or to correct the errors into which it falls by reason of its generality. When a sentence has an auxiliary verb and a main verb, it is usual to put adverbs between them. A guide explaining when to use i.e. By a correct choice of the focal length of the illuminating lens in relation to the focal length of the mirror, it is possible to choose the size of the image of the source of light so that the whole object-field is uniformly lighted. When she's not diagramming sentences and reading blogs about how terribly written the Twilight series is, she edits for the Write Practice, causes trouble in Denver, and plays guitar very slowly and poorly. Moreover, as Professor Burmeister states in his preface, Nitzsch by no means regarded the natural sequence of groups as the highest problem of the systematist, but rather their correct limitation. An official estimate given to Mr Whymper in 1880, however, places the population of Oriente (the eastern territory) at 80,000, which is probably more nearly correct. I didn’t think so. The theories which connected them with the Bushmen do not seem to be correct. It can be easily understood. It helps us to divide the world into things which we agree are known, or important, and things which we feel aren't. If you can write concise, grammatically correct English, this is the route to go. Many authors who have devoted special attention to questions of nomenclature therefore think Reptilia and Batrachia the correct names of the two great classes into which the Linnaean Amphibia have been divided, and consider that the latter term should be reserved for the use of those who, like that great authority, the late Professor Peters, down to the time of his death in 1883, would persist in regarding reptiles and batrachians as mere sub-classes (1). But to search for a precise time or an exact locality is to deal with the question too narrowly; it is more correct to say that the Avesta was worked at from the time of Zoroaster down to the Sassanian period. The table below gives some details, approximately correct, of the, principal experiments made with flying machines up to 1908. When it is at the middle it takes a plural verb e.g malaria is one of the diseases that kill children. This use of the is for "natural properties," but what English speakers consider to be natural properties of things and what speaker of other languages think may be different things. It was, however, soon clear that Palmerston's diagnosis of the temper of the French bourgeois was correct; the clamour for war subsided; on the 4th of December the address on the Egyptian Question proposed by the government was carried, and peace was assured. In water and in ethylene experiment shows that 8 parts by weight of oxygen and 6 parts of carbon, respectively, are in union with one part of hydrogen; also, if the diagrams are correct, these numbers must be in the ratio of the atomic weights of oxygen and carbon. dished shape supports and relieves the electronics, which correct the electron beam spot and thus allows optimum definition at the edge. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. circuit breakers etc are of the correct rating and suitable for the purpose. In general we may perhaps define them as nobles and commons, though in view of the numbers of the higher classes it would probably be more correct to speak of gentry and peasants. According to Spencer (and his premises, at least, are correct), the names of human beings in an early state of society are derived from incidents of the moment, and often refer to the period of the day or the nature of the weather. The above statements, though correct as far as they go, are an imperfect account of the nature of the radiation from a coupled antenna, but a mathematical treatment is required for a fuller explanation. So far as concerns the Epistle of St James this interpretation would probably be correct. The simple logic is this- when 'one of' occurs at the beginning of a sentence it takes a singular verb e.g one of the diseases that kills children is malaria. cryptogram puzzle with pencil and paper is all the erasing needed to correct a mistake. In order to correct this equation for the deviations of the vapour from the ideal state at higher temperatures and pressures, the simplest method is to assume a modified equation of the Joule-Thomson type (Thermodynamics, equation (17)), which has been shown to represent satisfactorily the behaviour of other gases and vapours at moderate pressures. At least he had found the correct profession. If a sentence is correct, put a check (√) next to it If a sentence is incorrect, fix it. The correct usage of the pronouns “I” and “me” is determined by their function in a sentence. The motion of two such hyperboloids, turning in contact with each other, has hitherto been classed amongst cases of rolling ~ contact; but that classification is not strictly correct, for, although the corn ponent velocities of a pair of points of G contact in a direction at right angles --- to the line of contact are equal, still, - F as the axes are parallel neither to each - other nor to the line of contact, the velocities of a pair of points of contact FIG have components along the line of contact which are unequal, and their difference constitutes a lateral sliding. On the other hand, in the sentence “all of them are animals”, “all” is a pronoun used as the subject of the sentence (“all are animals” is still a syntactically correct sentence) and “of them” only specifies it. INSTALLING ON THE BIKE: Before permanently replacing the cowling on the bike determine the correct placement for the lights you purchased. Sure enough the assistant was correct and three baby gibbons were at the shop the next day. 2d. Firstly, let's see what the correct sentence should be - … For example, \"We watch old movies on Saturday nights\" or \"He likes buttered popcorn.\" Both use the present tense of the verbs, \"watch\" and \"likes.\"Write simple past tense for an action that has ended, as in the sentence, \"We watched an old movie last night.\" Thus Greek words are transliterated, as " chedrio " from KEBp6 w, " heremus "from €pmios; Greek idioms are reproduced, as " usque nos duci captivos," _ fws rou npas aixuaXwrw05vac, and retranslation into Greek is frequently necessary in order to correct the misrenderings of the translator or the corruptions already inherent in the Greek. We will discuss our future together. When the noun refers to someone or something that is unique or is thought of as unique or exists as only one at a time: the Lord, the Messiah, the devil, the sun, the earth, the universe, the Pope, the Dalai Lama. grub screw in the shank end allows for correct setting for a bank of drills. The difference is in terms of tense and subject. The tablet's exaggerated entasis is vulgar, it should be hardly visible but nonetheless correct to eliminate optical illusions The tablet is brutal. Though Dean wished to remain at hand's-length from her troubled life he quickly sensed from her disjointed description Cynthia had been correct when she assessed that the woman carried serious emotional pain. You're correct that there wouldn't be time for him to race downstairs and out of the building. Proper nouns are names. Our core service is utilizing our accountancy and business expertise to provide pragmatic, technically correct and honest advice. Semicolons are used when creating a pause when there are two or more clauses in a certain sentence. That this view must be correct is urged by students of fossils. James Gregory and Leonhard Euler arrived at the correct view from a false conception of the achromatism of the eye; this was determined by Chester More Hall in 1728, Klingenstierna in 1754 and by Dollond in 1757, who constructed the celebrated achromatic telescopes. Of all the Servian dialects the most correct, richest and softest is the Herzegovinian or Zetta-Bosnian dialect. Howie related to us in his monotone voice the houses were not well numbered and it took some time before he was sure he'd found the correct location. These are fixed phrases which usually function as adverbs, and their use must be learned separately. For the value of imports and exports previous to 1901 the oni statistics available were the figures given in consular reports, whic were not always correct. Much depends on which of these armchair anthropologists is correct. of the Roman Church - sacred books, liturgical books, &c. - should be issued in official and more correct editions; the compilations of ecclesiastical law were also revised. Here “have” is the auxiliary verb and “completed” is the main verb; “have completed” is the present perfect tense. Q: What is a toric lens A: A special type of soft contact lens called a toric lens which will correct astigmatism. A boy was walking down Main Street. induction hardened and honed to produce the correct tooth form. feeler guage to check for the correct gap size - it should be a light sliding fit. Photoshop Elements also allows consumers to easily correct camera lens distortion. 2e. But although the evidence of the Amarna tablets might thus support the biblical tradition in its barest outlines, the view in question, if correct, would necessitate the rejection of a great mass of the biblical narratives as a whole. 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